This might be seen in the chance for doing other tasks while driving (respectively, being driven) or even in a principle profit of gaining mobility for specific user groups. From the UX perspective the main challenges for research and technical development related to HMI and human factors will be derived. The most relevant of these questions are: 1) How can the vehicle help the driver to maintain situational awareness by managing the interplay between driving and non-driving tasks? 2) What will be the role of driver monitoring technologies predicting driver’s availability? 3) How to design a needed transition from automation back to manual driving, and how fast and correct can drivers be supposed to react? 4) Can drivers cooperate with the system during automated driving, and what kind of cooperation is needed with other traffic participants? 5) Which methods have to be used to study human factor aspects in automated driving, e.g. long-term behavior? The presentation will conclude with some concrete examples out of driver monitoring research and the use of Wizard-of-Oz like methods for automated driving.